The Secret to Manifesting Your Highest Timeline

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I see so much online, and everywhere, on the secrets of manifesting, different techniques and tactics for creating the reality you want and deserve. This has been a popular topic for many years, for obvious reasons. The underlying premise is that we are divinely powerful creator beings who have the power to shape our reality and the experiences perceived within it. This is true, and actually a quite popular universal spiritual truth. We are one with Source energy, and we are Source energy, much like a droplet of water is one with the Ocean, and it is also the Ocean itself. We are infinitely powerful and completely limitless in our soul’s essence. If we are only looking at this one beautiful truth, it makes perfect sense that we can create whatever reality we want for ourselves.

Most of us understand, our thoughts and beliefs are very powerful and shape the world we live in. So why not instantly create billions for yourself? Why not suddenly receive an offer out of nowhere for the job of your dreams? Why not conjure up that perfect soul mate? Do you sometimes feel like you’re failing at being an infinite powerful being? I’ve heard people saying things like, “forget a higher power, you are the higher power, this is your life.” I get that, to a point, but here’s something many people excited about manifesting reality are forgetting…we, as humans, predominantly identify as the droplet. We are also the Ocean, but we are not all powerful from the droplet consciousness - which is the ego, or personality, level of consciousness. We are powerful, and maybe we’ll manifest some things we want, and maybe we’re good at manifesting the best parking spot, or a great sale on shoes, but when it comes to the real flow of our lives, I think most people agree, it just doesn’t always work. Why, not? Because we can’t create our highest timeline from the part of ourselves that has very little concept, and even less knowing, about what that is.

The droplet analogy relates to the ego, or the personality self. The ego identified self gets a lot of bad press, but really it’s a beautiful divine aspect of life, just like every other part of you. It’s just less developed, and less informed. It is the droplet in the ocean, a fractal of the Light. It is beautiful, but it is absolutely clueless and short sighted in certain areas. A higher power does exist, and you are also the higher power, but not the part of you that identifies as the droplet, at least not entirely. We refer to Higher Self as being the aspect of us that is in constant awareness of being both the ocean and the droplet. Your physical body, being the brilliant wealth of innate wisdom that it is, knows that you are the I AM self, the Ocean. If you use kinesiology to test whether you are your name, your body will clearly tell you no. No, you are not Jane Doe, or John Smith. You are Infinite Source, Eternal Love.

So the beauty of manifesting (as I’m leading up to revealing the real secret to manifesting your dream life) is that it is a co-creative dance between you and the Creator, the all knowing limitless part of you. Where does this part of you exist? Everywhere… But, your awareness and knowledge of it lies in the unconscious, or subconscious, aspects of your mind. This is how your physical body knows that you are not your name, your personality. The consciousness of your soma (body mind) is neurologically connected to the unconscious centers of your brain. Human unconscious brain centers process information ten billion times faster, than conscious brain centers. This means, if your thoughts and beliefs create your reality, your reality is being almost fully created by brain centers that your personality self, your conscious self, can’t even access. What you think and believe consciously definitely matters, but it’s not having the largest impact on what you experience as your reality. As an example, this is why PTSD and anxiety disorders are so difficult to heal and manage, they are rooted in the unconscious centers of the brain. A panic attack won’t stop by consciously deciding to make it stop. In fact, most illnesses won’t heal from the conscious aspect of the mind alone. Emotions are another excellent example. You can’t just stop an emotion because you don’t want to feel it. We try, and it makes us sick. As these examples reveal, the parts of our brain that are unconscious to us have more control over our lives than the parts that are within our everyday conscious awareness.

So the good news and the bad news, depending on your perspective, is that you (Jane Doe, John Smith) are not in control. How is that good news? Because once you understand how this works, you can relax and let go of the death grip on a steering wheel that’s connected to nothing. The real secret to manifesting your highest timeline is learning the art of Surrender. If the word, surrender, upsets you, be aware that the gravity of your current perception is settled in your ego self (not wrong, just notice.) The ego self is naturally threatened by the word surrender because it thinks it means defeat, or weakness, lack of control, or lack of power. Higher Self feels relieved when it hears the word surrender because that part of you knows you can relax, you are in good hands, all is well. That’s the truth of it. All is well, even when it doesn’t look well from our current vantage point. It’s okay to want things, in fact, I think it’s good. Desire is healthy, and we’re here to feel passionately and joyfully alive, so of course we want things in life. However, how many times have you thought you wanted something, only to discover, you absolutely did not? The Higher Self aspect of you always knows what is in, not only your highest good, but the highest good for all of Creation.

So the key to manifesting your highest timeline is to allow your ego to put in a request to the Universe of what it is it desires or would like to receive, and then Surrender to the divine brilliance of life. Don’t allow yourself to be attached to the outcome. Trust the divine flow of the Universe. Look at all it has perfectly created! Why would it forget you? It wouldn’t. It hasn’t. Of course, you will probably feel disappointed if you don’t get what you want. That’s totally natural and normal, but it gets easier, the more you practice. Eventually, you learn from experience, that life flows better when you can let go and trust. You begin to realize that it’s okay if you don’t know best, if a higher part of you knows all that you will ever need. Don’t feel bad if you don’t manifest that perfect parking spot, you might miss an opportunity to connect with someone important that you run into on your long walk to the store. Or, maybe now you have a chance to breathe deeply and move your legs, maybe you haven’t done that in a few hours. The Universe (You) always knows what’s best. Your life will naturally flow towards love, joy, freedom, peace, and abundance when you stop fighting against it.

Everything that comes into our lives is here to serve us. It’s not always easy, but as we learn to Surrender, another beautiful experience emerges into our reality, called Acceptance….then Forgiveness, and ultimately, more Love. As you allow yourself to dance and become one with the flow of life, as you learn to blissfully surrender, you will organically align with your highest timeline and your greatest life. I’m sorry there’s no short cut, easy trick, or simple tactic. As you learn to surrender to the divine flow of life, you learn to meet and release those parts of yourself that don’t resonate with the Love frequency that exists as your highest timeline. Manifesting from the ego alone is spiritual egotism, and it will get you nowhere fast. Anything you practice a lot, becomes relatively easy, if not super easy. Practice Surrender, and eventually, it will become an easy technique, and the key to your most beautiful expression of life.

From my heart to yours, I wish you infinite blessings, wild joy, and heart opening peace.

Love, Light. Blessed Be