Angelic Earth Resonance™ Practitioners
Prescott, Arizona
Lauren Director
Lauren Director is a skilled energy healer and experienced yoga instructor with an extensive background leading workshops and yoga teacher trainings.
Lauren embraces the traditional tenets of yoga in all her work, that is, attaining union with the divine. She seeks to be of Service from that place and lead her students and clients on a healing journey of mind, body and spirit.
She pursued Angelic Earth Resonance recognizing the kinship in philosophy that this body of work represents.
Her experience as an Angelic Earth Resonance practitioner has been supportive for empowering breakthroughs and transformative upgrades with her clients.
Website: (coming soon!)
Jennifer Rose Dozier
Jennifer Rose and I am a Ascension Guide.
I would be honored to connect with you. I feel the potential of our exploration together.
More than anything I value virtue. So, as you place your trust and sincerity in me and Angelic Earth Resonance; to offer you healing, and the opportunity to deepen your understanding of yourself, and the universe around you.
I in turn offer you unconditional love as your mirror. It is my intention to listen to you with all my focus, to reflect to you the bright beauty of your soul, and to hold you accountable to integrity and the infinite potential of your creative energy as part of the One. Allowing you to offer all of yourself in service to EMBODY your light. Anchoring it into the world at this time of ASCENSION. We will do it together, mastering self, empowering each other, empowering the world to wake up to the beauty of creation and coexistence.
Jennifer Rose- Ascension Guide: Shaman, Quantum Healing Methods, Angelic Earth Resonance, Ki- Gong
Enrica E. Ferruzzi
Enrica is passionate about discovering our own natural healing abilities and supporting others in their healing journey. She is a certified Angelic Earth Resonance™ practitioner, Energy Intuitive, an experienced Energy Movement Teacher and Change Facilitator.
Enrica was trained in the ancient East Asian Sun Do healing philosophy as well as healing martial arts. She incorporates these fundamental energy principles and practices into all aspects of her life and healing modalities.
Her mission is to empower individuals by activating the natural ability to create true and lasting health, harmony and peace. She strongly believes in the significance of self-change and its direct contribution to the overall health of those around us, the collective and Earth.
Michelle Ouellette
Michelle Ouellette was born and raised in a small spiritual community in the heart of the Rocky Mountains in Montana. It was here that she first developed her deep connection with Nature and her intuitive abilities.
With a Masters degree in Community Resilience, Michelle is pursuing her passion of bridging the gap between personal healing and the transformation of society in connection with the natural world. As a certified Yoga instructor and Angelic Earth Resonance practitioner, Michelle holds a deep and expansive space for clients to bring mind, body, and spirit into alignment and release stagnant energy by tapping into the fractal communication of the Soul. In addition to somatic energy work, her sessions may include pranayama, sound healing, crystal grids, sacred medicinal plants and oracle cards, but will always be a unique direct transmission from source especially tailored to the individual or group she is guiding.
Michelle enjoys working with clients who desire to open up their own psychic abilities and with those who are ready to come into a deeper experience of wholeness and self trust by gently unravelling and integrating somatically held energies. She finds her deepest purpose in helping people connect with their unique expression of Being, through which a powerful sense of peace naturally unfolds.
Website: Coming Soon!
Sophia Malonson
Sophia is a visionary artisan, musician and ceremonial guide with a deep devotion to that which is wild, sacred and connective. Her passion is to support the collective evolution of this beautiful planet through catalyzing empowerment and healing.
As an alumni of Prescott College, Sophia double-majored in Healing Arts and Resilient Community Design with intentions set out to nurture individual, ecological and communal wellbeing. While attending school, she became certified in Regenerative Ecological Design through the Ecosa Institute, trained in Reiki I, II, III and became a practitioner of Angelic Earth Resonance™ bodywork. She has also been studying with Sound of Light sacred medicine circle, based in Costa Rica, for the past 6 years and is currently one of their apprentices.
The practice of Angelic Earth Resonance has profoundly shaped Sophia’s spiritual and artistic path. This modality has attuned her channel to be in close relation with her ancestors, angels, nature allies and spirit guardians while traversing the quantum realms. The ceremonial healing sessions that Sophia facilitates over zoom and in person are lovingly held within a personalized container. These sessions are a synergistic blend of Angelic Earth Resonance and a variety of other methods that are beautifully supportive and harmonizing. Based on the needs, intentions and goals of the client, Sophia may utilize the medicine wheel, elemental invocation, altar creating, guided breath and embodiment practices, crystal grids, plant medicines, musical transmissions, and expressive art activities to assist with the journey.
Sophia also offers channeled artwork commissions and prints, music, sacred adornments and wildcrafted earth medicines on her website. It would be her absolute honor to serve you and co-create ceremonial magic with you. Please reach out to Sophia if you have any inquiries or questions. Bless!
Instagram: @soma.sophia
Cameron Krizek
Cameron Krizek was raised and resides in Montana bringing the expansiveness of the big sky within his body of work. With an open heart, he continually craves a deeper understanding of his purpose here on Earth and the healing journey as a man in this ever-changing world. Alternative healing and the importance of holistic remedies was part of his upbringing and is a focal point on his Earthly walk. Cameron’s first impromptu sound healing session was requested in 2016 after visiting various Montana Megalithic sites with Haida elders and guides. Before he knew it, he gave back-to-back sound healing sessions that evening. This experience motivated him on a deeper level to learn energy work.
After completing his bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education Industrial Arts in 2017, Cameron began studying ecological design at the ECOSA Institute in Prescott, AZ where he met Jennifer Wrobel, a healing artist with over 25 years experience and the founder of Angelic Earth Resonance (AER) . Through received AER sessions, Cameron began to further recognize some of his own patterns, release spinal tension, and became more aware of the healing process.
The transformative qualities and framework of AER intrigued him to apprentice with Jennifer and become a practitioner. He further grew his love of service through volunteering at a healing retreat center in Costa Rica for several months where he was appointed head fire-keeper for sweat lodges. Cameron seeks balance in the tangible and unseen worlds through building alternative structures and crafting with his hands. The offering of AER and sacred space, further fills his desire to be of service, allowing divine light to move through him, inviting clients to heal in stride.
For inquiries and session offerings please email: