The Gift of Discernment

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Discernment is an intuitive gift that all humans embody. Because we are feeling, empathic beings, most of us find we need continual refining in this area. We are all born with the ability to instinctively discern and make decisions about our sovereign truth and the reality we experience.  Determining truth and reality in a world full of so much conflicting information can be a challenge. Causing greater confusion still, truth and reality are not necessarily consistent or the same for everyone. To a certain, very real extent, what we believe is what we see. All of this, and more, make discernment an essential skill to cultivate in these accelerated times of growth and change.

Do you think for yourself? Almost everyone would answer yes to that question. A better question might be, what part of yourself do you think from? We all have many aspects of ourselves, and very complex energy centers, both physically and metaphysically. For example, you can find yourself thinking from your head, your heart, or your somatic feeling sense. There are many choices, but those are three very common centers to think from, meaning think from, or through, the energy of that center. The energy of a center is  the filter and the channel for your experience. Knowing what center you are thinking through is something you can become more aware of, easily observe, and learn to direct.

The general consensus is that when you don’t think for yourself, you "give your power away." We all know this is not a pleasant feeling, and over time, builds resentment and drains our energy centers and essential life force. I believe the ideas of "giving your power away" or “not thinking for yourself” are referring to the phenomenon where we turn off any and all attention to our inner power center of knowing. This center Is our intuitive, innately intelligent nature. It is our divine compass. When we believe that other people are smarter, or “better” in some way, the human tendency is to give trust over without proof, without question, and often without honoring our own inner knowing and intelligence. When we think from our heart center, from the core of self-love, our instinctive center of intuition and inspiration, we automatically understand whether or not we are experiencing truth or untruth. The source of the information no longer becomes the deciding factor in your truth or your reality when you're not thinking strictly from your head or from your wounds.

I’m sure you have your own methods of developing discernment. My methods are a work in progress, but I thought I would share a few with you. For me, these are some of the best methods for growing and refining the ability to discern. We have some important (and fun) work to do over the next decade or so, building a beautiful home for the earth and all of her inhabitants. It will serve our joy and efficiency if we can learn to discern the people, pathways, and stories that do not serve our highest expression of good. Discernment is a sovereignty key. It leads you to freedom, to inner peace, to clarity, and to sovereign empowerment.

  • Meditation, walking, or quiet time in any form, will help clear your mind and energy field of any distractions that might prevent you from sensing your highest truth.

  • Discover a base line somatic feeling of truth in your body by paying attention and taking note of how you feel when you are very much experiencing, or hearing, something that resonates with your truth. Once you have that, “Yes, this is my truth” energy signature recognized, you can compare it to other things. When you’re listening to the news, for example, you are paying attention and asking, does this feel like truth in my body? When someone is telling you a story, you’re feeling into it and deciding if this is a story that resonates with you. If you are unsure, just take notice of whether you feel good or bad in your body, mind awareness. Some true things are sad, or infuriating, and don’t necessarily feel good, but there is an even less good feeling when something is not in alignment with truth. Something just feels, "off." This is the message from your power center, your intuitive center, your gut. Your heart, and your gut, are two channels that have direct access to your higher self and therefore, your highest truth. Your head is limited in its reach, and only needs to get involved to supplement details and provide assistance. The head is an essential center, but limited in its capacity to access your deepest truth.

  • Acting on truth. In the development of intuitive discernment, I've found it is extremely beneficial to take action, or at least trust what you are perceiving. As you act on your intuition, like a muscle, this part of you grows stronger.

    The ascension is an accelerated experience. We are in a phase of huge transformation and change. It's crucial that we continually awaken to our inner truth and what serves the highest good for all. When we live consciously from this place, all life is supported. Discernment is key. It takes strength and courage because it requires you to see things as they present themselves, rather than through the lens of the ego mind which is only capable of seeing what it wants to see. This is how the clarity of sight develops. When you can accept everything you see with a compassionate neutrality, it becomes easier to discern. It's an art, and a life process, much like it's cousin, boundary building. And, like healthy boundary building, healthy discernment will bring more joy, freedom, and grace into your life experience. I wish you all of this sweetness, and more!

From my heart to yours,

Love, Magic, & Rainbow Light